Useful features for project leaders
No matter how many people work on your project, there’s always a special someone who manages the team. As a project leader, sometimes you need to share a project plan with stakeholders or see what your team members are currently working on. I’ve put together all the most important features for managers.
Overview screen
It displays all the active tasks from all your projects in your Workspace. All your overdue and upcoming tasks are displayed on the Overview screen. It is a convenient tool because it allows you to see all your tasks and their deadlines in your Workspace.
Performance mode
Performance mode helps you focus more on the project’s implementation and user management rather than on its planning. You have three main columns, which are labeled People, Tasks, and Task Details. In the first column, you can choose which tasks you want to see (your own and/or your colleagues’ tasks) The second column displays people’s tasks: completed, current, and upcoming ones. And in the third column, you can see task details.
Share projects
You can share a Project Plan as an interactive snapshot, spreadsheet, or save it as an image or PDF file. You can even embed the interactive snapshot into your web page. A spreadsheet enables you to see the project’s current status, while an Excel file shows the project’s history.
Clone it!
Cloning projects is a handy feature for those of us who have repeatable projects. You can use it to develop a project template for the next time you may need it.